
Shoreham St. Magnifique


An archive of our designs that have been and gone. To stay in tune with all future products please connect with us on social media...

Twitter - @shorehamst

Facebook - /shorehamstreet

Instagram - @shorehamstreet

Bertie Blade - Club & Country - Limited to 10 pieces. July, 2018

Bertie Blade Pin Series | No.1 - Limited to 25 pieces (each c/w). February, 2018

1981-83 Bobble - Limited to 25 pieces (each c/w). January, 2018

"Bashambauer" Bobble - Limited to 25 pieces. November, 2017

1989-92 Kit Mugs - Limited to 25 pieces (each c/w). November, 2017

Duffy Pin Badge - Limited to 50 pieces. October, 2017

1981-83 Kit Mugs - Limited to 25 pieces (each c/w). September, 2017

Championi - Limited to 25 pieces . July, 2017

Shoreham Boys - Limited to 25 pieces. May, 2017

Sixfields - Limited to 25 pieces. May, 2017